Thursday, October 28, 2010

How to get married in Paris - A Guide for the Persistent Romantic!

From the classic Technicolor dance scenes from An American in Paris for the latest movies such as Moulin Rouge and Amelie Poulain for many Americans, Paris is the epitome of romance. And what could be a romantic place to get married? For most couples to marry after the decision of Paris, the first thing they do is a dizzying, this might work just as crazy, "calling them the French consulate, where they now are down to earth crack secured with their first officialFrench "non", "corn forced to live in France for 40 days before getting married in France. Why are you Impossible Ow! Mademoiselle C'est you! Me? Gets Revoir Impossible!" Click .... And for some couples, this will quickly learn that they are right on plan B, the local country club with a reception in Paris topic, swept not going to go, do not collect 200EUR ...

Some couples want to be, but to see through the dream can choose to have a legal ceremony in theirTown, and then to come to Paris for a symbolic ceremony. symbolic ceremonies are not legally binding but are
Romanticism and useful as you imagine it to be.

This article, however, are for the hard-line of those couples who want to dance with the big boys run the gauntlet to fight the fight ... Getting married in France as foreigners legally solidarity is one of the strongest evidence that your "when you're gone, probably by Sun Forget couplesFear Factor-If you can survive this, you can survive all

The Nitty Gritty on Getting Married in France

What Curt said the official at the embassy, it is true. To get married in France by law, the couple must have lived in France, one in the area around the town hall, where they plan to marry, for a minimum of 40 consecutive days before the wedding. Some sources say 30 days, but you must add an additional 10 days toCity Hall to publish publications - a public announcement that in Hall 10 days before the wedding, your name and your next record date of the marriage, so that husbands and wives are all outsiders who have spent the last chance before getting married .

Before the break from work, but you should know that this little thing is really great. You must show two proofs of residence ("justificatifs de domicile"), as a gas orBill (a cell phone bill does not count), a rent receipt, lease agreement, a French title social card, etc. If you have to rent an apartment here do on a short-term lease in order to meet this planning marriage requirement, which will take several months could be the first to receive one of the documents referred to above. Another option is to live with a friend or relative, and that person sign an attestation sur l'honneur d'Hébergement. This is a statement swearing that they wereof people living in the residence, and that they take responsibility for you if you pass a drug trafficker or illegal downloads of "Desperate Housewives" or something like that. There are a lot of fine print on this, including a huge fine and a quick trip to the guillotine, if ever discovered that is not, in fact, living with them.

If possible, the 40-day requirement must be met, the first thing to do to get the latest list of documents required by the CityHall (Mairie) where you plan to marry. Most of these documents are specific period of time that are dated in advance of presentation must, it is important to list as soon as you can get. Here is a general list of documents to be in France to legally marry. It 'important, but (and I can not stress enough) that the official, who gets the most up-to-date list of the Mairie of the district (arrondissement) you intend to marry.

1. A validFrench passport or residence permit ("carte de séjour")

2. A birth certificate ("Extrait d'acte de naissance"): city halls require that a copy of the full original birth certificate provided (issued with all the details of your parents) within 3 months after the date of the wedding, along with a certified translation. It is necessary to obtain a translation by a sworn translator ("Traducteur alleged"). translators are the "Mairie".

3. A certificate of celibacy("Certificate tenant lieu de declaration en vue de mariage ou de non-remariage") less than 3 months.

4. An affidavit of Law ("Certificat de coutume) mairies Many request a sworn statement of the Law (" Certificat de coutume ") in addition to the sworn statement of civil status of foreigners. The deposition of the Act to certify the citizenship of the United States, France is free to marry and the marriage will be recognized in the United States. Only a lawyer admitted to practice inthe United States and France can play this document.

5. A medical certificate (certificat medical marriage contract ") is necessary both to have a premarital medical certificate from a doctor who said to have" en vue de mariage. "(Do not be nervous, she is just a standard-up blood test more review a couple: blood type, syphilis, rubella and toxoplasmosis ...) The drawings may not be published until medical certificates must be submittedla Mairie. The certificates must be dated no earlier than two months before the publication of the publications. Any competent doctor, the medical examination (of the message published a list of doctors who speak English).

6. Proof of residence ("justificatifs de domicile") (see above)

7. A "certified notary du": If you need a planning prenuptial agreement, you have a lawyer (a lawyer) who is a "Certificat du notary, which must be submitted bid willMairie as well. It can be created, not more than two months before the wedding.
If there are no pre-nuptial contracts, then you will be married to acquets thou thy sight directest Communauté aux. This means that what each of you personally owned before marriage, or whatever comes to following through inheritance, remains their private property. Only what is acquired during the marriage belongs equally to both parties. (If you have ever seen or read TheDivorce, can this scenario very familiar to you ...)

If any of you been married, you need a certified copy of death certificate of the deceased spouse or a certified copy of the final divorce decree.

8. In addition to the above, will also discuss and provide information about your witness (témoin) - 2 to 4 people, as a sort of your best men and / or the maid of honor act, and the recording after the signing ceremony . They areNeed to submit their names, addresses, their occupations and photocopies of their passports, your files.

All this must be the Mairie of the time to review and approve the documents before sending publications, usually taken to ask for your marriage file 10 days before the audience, but I usually suggest my clients that their records made before the -Curt officials will almost always ensure that there is no document to sendIn a further boost of frantic phone calls and email.

When everything has been accepted and approved, you will receive word from the Mairie of your wedding date and time (you can specify a specific date and time of request advance of the time, but I assure you that nothing is confirmed until the application was approved). Note that you must be legally married in a civil ceremony before being allowed France to a Catholic church ceremony. After the marriage,You receive a "Blue de Famille" (Family Book), a type of marriage certificate, which also has pages for all of your future children. The little blue book is the Holy Grail. If you live in France, this book will make your administrative life much easier here more or less until the day they die (in which your death will be determined, said in a small blue book). If you're not going to stay in France, you think of it as the ultimate wedding gift.

To begin married in a foreign languageThe land is rarely easy. A wedding in Paris is just a little 'harder than that. But if you're willing and able, the lasting memory of exchanging your vows in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower or in the halls of pebbles of a centuries old castle, it's worth the few months of frustration.

As I said before, if you can survive all of the above, the marriage will be built to last.

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