Saturday, September 4, 2010

famous places in France - Top Ten

There are so many famous places in France which would be impossible for all to see, as in one trip. If this is your first visit to France, the options may seem overwhelming ... where are you going? What are the best places to see?

Here's a snapshot of some of the most famous places in France that you or your family and friends can visit - depending on your interests, whether these historical sites and museums, natural beauty or foodWine.

If you spend a couple of weeks here you could easily to most of the places listed below. There will be a whirlwind trip, but it's certainly doable, and you have many good memories.

Some of the most famous in France in Paris!

Before La Tour Eiffel
The Eiffel Tower, Eiffel, built in 1889 by Gustave for the World Expo, is undoubtedly one of the most popular tourist attractions in France.

It 's amazingthink that the Eiffel Tower was for a time to see how an eyesore and even ugly, it was almost Knocked Up in 1909.

According to the Musée du Louvre
The Louvre Museum, once a royal palace, is one of the most famous art museums in the world with his paintings as the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, as well as spectacular works of art by Michelangelo, Raphael and Botticelli.

Third Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris
Next in line is the beautiful GothicNotre Dame, attended by about 1163-1345, more than 12 million people a year of construction, and one of the most famous monuments of France.

Fourth Arc du Triomphe
The Arc de Triomphe and the beautiful Ave des Champs-Elysees to see the spectacular. The Arc was commissioned by the armies Napoloeon to commemorate the victories of his, the tomb of the Unknown Soldier French are here, and every evening a memorial flame is lit.

Fifth Versailles
If youpossible, try to visit the Palace of Versailles, constructed during the reign of Louis XIV - known as the Sun King (Roi Soleil) to display his wealth and power of the monarchy at that time. Versailles is easily accessible as a day trip from Paris. And 'no doubt absolutely spectacular, and one of the most colorful you will probably see that.

Sixth Mont St Michel
Mont St. Michel is one of the most famous in France, located just off the coastNormandy. In fact, it is the next most visited site in Paris!

Its hard not to be the view of Mont St Michel with its impressive Gothic abbey high above a cliff.

Seventh Mont Blanc
Mont Blanc (white mountain meaning in French) is the highest mountain in the Alps between Italy and France. Chamonix is here, hosted the first Winter Olympics, and one of the most popular places for skiing in France.

AlsoIf you do not plan to ski, it's worth a visit.

You can use the Aiguille de Midi cable car for spectacular views of the mountains. Surely one of the highest (and probably one of the most exciting - or frightening, depending on which way you look) - Cable Car travels take you!

8th Chateaux de la Loire
The Loire Valley, a playground for royalty, from 15 to 18 century, has many fine Renaissance palaces.

There are severalhundred castles in the Loire valley, some of the most popular are the Château d'Amboise, Chambord, Chenonceau, Blois and Cheverny.

The Loire is also known for its fine wines and savor Muscadet, Sauvignon and many others.

southerly direction is even more famous places in France.

Ninth Carcassonne
Carcassonne in the Languedoc region, is the largest fortified city in Europe and one of the best examples of medieval architecture.

Carcassonne Towersand pointed towers seem to come straight from a fairy tale or Walt Disney. But there is to believe, here - it's all true. Carcassonne is also one of the most popular attractions in French.

10th Lascaux
Some of the best collections of prehistoric art found in the southwest of France a.

The ancient cave paintings, drawings and sculptures, which you can see here are really impressive, by some distance, up to 35,000 years ago.

The Lascauxsites (now a replica), are very popular attractions in France, and there are many others that are worth the visit.

And last but not least: food and French wine. Wherever you go, you can sample local specialties, if bouillabaisse in Marseille, Normandy Camembert and foie gras is in Perigord.

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